San Francisco Skyline from Diamond Heights

Make a Plan

Write the locations of safe places in each room of your home or business:

Bedroom: Bedroom:
Living room: Kitchen:
Other: Other:



Evacuation exits from your home or business


Choose an out of town relative or friend to be family contact person(s):

Name: Alternate Name:
Phones: Alternate Phones:
Email Address: Alternate Email Address:

Choose a location to meet with family members if home cannot be accessed.

Alternate Location:

Put together disaster supplies kits

Kits Date Last Checked
Home Supplies










Go Bag






























Teach household members how to turn off utilities

Review Plan periodically.

Utilities Specific Locations

Gas Valve


Water Valve


Electrical Switches


Tools for turning off gas or water


Review plan periodically.


© 2010-2013 Diamond Heights Emergency Preparedness Working Group. Adapt our work for your neighborhood, Contact Us.
Website courtesy of Jensen's Mail & Copy (415-282-2100).